Addressing the Central Coast housing crisis

The redevelopment of the Wyong Village Caravan Park (formerly known as Oasis Caratel) at Kanwal will deliver much needed housing to help address the current housing crisis on the Central Coast.

Comprising 675 apartments, the redevelopment of the site will include 102 apartments designated for affordable housing and 200 for seniors independent living.

Design and liveability will be at the forefront of the creation of the new development. It presents a unique opportunity to increase the supply
and type of housing for people living and working on the Central Coast.

A fully landscaped public parkland and outdoor recreation precinct covering 1.7 hectares
will be built within strolling distance of the apartments, providing an idyllic green open space
that is inclusive for the whole community.

The site is close to public transport and existing retail and services offered
at the Kanwal village. It’s only a short distance to major local centres, including Wyong Hospital,
Lake Haven Centre, Warnervale Airport, Budgewoi and Tuggerah Lake.

Big boost for local jobs and local economy

The redevelopment of the site will provide a big boost to local employment
and economic stimulus on the Central Coast.

An average of 220 construction jobs will be created onsite each year, based on a five-year
construction timeframe. An additional 410 offsite jobs will be created each year in related industries
throughout the construction supply chain.

That’s around 630 jobs per year. The vast majority of these jobs will be filled by workers living
on the Central Coast. During the construction phase the development it is estimated $500 million
will be injected into the Central Coast economy.

Post construction, the office space covering 1000 sqm will create a further 50 jobs onsite,
and around 40 offsite jobs. That’s great news for local jobs and the Central Coast economy.

Five year construction timetable

Once approved, construction is expected to take
up to five years, starting in early 2027.

Construction of the 675 apartments will be done in several stages. Individual building heights
will vary from four to 12 storeys. The number of apartments was reduced from the original
800 to 675 after discussions with the NSW Department of Planning.

The construction phase will provide a big boost to employment on the Central Coast, creating
up to 630 direct and indirect jobs each year. It is estimated the construction phase will be inject
$500 million in the local economy.

New outdoor parkland will be a community hub

The redevelopment will transform the site from a 60 year-old caravan park into a modern and vibrant community featuring
new landscaped parklands, gardens and recreation areas that will create a destination for residents and
the wider community.

Covering an area of 1.7 hectares, the new outdoor public open space will be family friendly, with a
design that encourages active and passive recreation, community spirit and social gatherings.

It will include a network of shady open spaces with plenty of places for resting, relaxing, active
recreation and play. The parkland masterplan will include:

Frequently Asked Questions

Why has Wyong Village been selected as part of the Rezoning Pathways Program?

The redevelopment presents a unique opportunity to increase the supply and diversity of housing for people living and working on the Central Coast. The site is close to public transport and existing retail and services offered from the Kanwal village. It is a short distance to major local centres, including Wyong Hospital, Lake Haven Centre, Warnervale Airport, Budgewoi and Tuggerah Lake.

What is being proposed by Land Lease SPV on the Wyong Village site?

Wyong Village will deliver 675 new homes to address the acute housing shortage on the Central Coast, together with designated parklands and a new retail shopping complex. Up to 102 apartments in the development have been designated for affordable rental housing, and 200 apartments for independent living for seniors.

New housing developments like Wyong Village will assist local businesses and state agencies, such as NSW Health, who are struggling to attract and retain staff due to a lack of housing supply and rentals on the coast.

When will construction commence?

If the project is approved for development construction is expected to commence in early 2027. Construction will be done in stages and will take several years to complete.

During the construction phase the project will create up to 630 direct and indirect jobs each year, and is expected to inject $500 million into the Central Coast economy.

What local infrastructure will be upgraded to support the new development if it is approved?

Services and infrastructure such as roads, sewer and water will be upgraded.

What roads and intersections will be upgraded if the project is approved?

The roundabout at the Pacific Highway-Sparkes Road-Wallarah Road is currently failing under existing traffic conditions and will be upgraded into a signalised intersection.

Wallarah Road will be widened with additional lanes and bus bays. The existing signalised intersection at Wallarah Road-Walker Avenue will be upgraded. This will resolve existing queuing issues along Wallarah Road and the right turn into the Kanwal Shops.

These upgrades will resolve the existing traffic issues in the local area, which if allowed to continue would worsen over time as other developments in the area proceed. These upgrades would not be possible without the redevelopment of the site which will include over $3.5 million dollars in development contributions towards state and local infrastructure.

Will there be car parking for residents at the new development?

Yes. Car parking will be provided in the basement and podium levels of the site and will comply with council’s car parking requirements. Visitor parking will also be provided.

What is the role of the NSW Department of Planning in assessing the redevelopment proposal?

On September 14, 2023 a planning proposal was lodged by Land Lease SPV as the project proponent with the NSW Department of Planning. After assessing it the department instructed Land Lease SPV to update the proposal by reducing the proposed building heights and density on the Oasis site, which was done.

After receiving the updated proposal the department prepared an Explanation of Intended Effects which outlines the proposed amendments to planning controls. The Explanation of Intended Effects and updated planning proposals were exhibited from 27 May until 24 June 2024. The department is currently reviewing the feedback received during the exhibition period and will finalise the planning documents by late 2024.

The public exhibition period for the project ended on June 24, 2024. What is the next step in the planning process?

Feedback received during the exhibition period will inform the finalisation of the plan. A submission report outlining how the feedback was taken into consideration is being developed by the NSW Department of Planning.

When will a decision by made on the project proposal?

A decision on the proposed redevelopment will be made later in 2024. If approved, it will be some time before construction begins. The preparation of planning proposal assessment is the first stage, followed by the preparation and lodgement of a development application, and approval to commence construction of the site and infrastructure upgrades.

If the project is approved what happens to the residents living on site?

The caravan park will continue to operate as normal until construction commences, and existing tenancy agreements will be maintained. Permanent caravan park residents will be offered access to new subsidised housing in the new Wyong Village development. This will provide ongoing security and peace of mind for permanent residents who are currently living on site. A future house buy-back scheme will also be established after development approval for residents who wish to leave the park. This will be done in consultation with an independent valuer who will assess each individual property. This will ensure permanent residents receive a fair market value for their property. Permanent residents will also receive relocation assistance.

What assistance will residents receive prior to relocation?

One-on-one consultation with residents is ongoing to understand each person’s individual circumstances and needs. This information is being used to develop a detailed transition strategy that will be assessed by the NSW Department of Planning.

Non-permanent tenants on site will be given a minimum of 12 months’ notice before relocation.